Endodontic Microsurgery

Endodontic microsurgery, often referred to as apical microsurgery or root-end surgery, is a specialized and minimally invasive surgical procedure performed by endodontists to save a tooth when traditional root canal therapy has failed or is not an option. This procedure involves using high-powered magnification and illumination through a surgical operating microscope to access and treat the root tip (apex) of a tooth.

Endodontic microsurgery is considered a reasonable option when traditional root canal treatment is ineffective or not feasible. With thoughtful case selection, this procedure has a similar success rate in saving a tooth compared to extraction and replacement with a dental implant or bridge. Apical surgery under a microscope is minimally invasive, as it minimizes trauma to the surrounding tissues and promotes quicker healing. The use of microsurgical techniques and equipment enables precise and successful treatment of complex endodontic cases.


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